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  • Tuesday, October 8, 2024

Research: Fixed Income TCA Survey 2022

Better integration into trading workflow The DESK’s execution research survey into fixed income TCA 2022. Our research took in 40 major asset management firms’ use of, ...

Barclays: Portfolio trading 8% of US credit market volume

Barclays has conducted new analysis into portfolio trading of corporate bonds, estimating the trading protocol now makes up 8% of US credit trading.

Barclays hit by US$450 million loss on ETNs

Barclays has reported it has made an estimated loss of US$450 million on exchange-traded notes (ETNs). As the bank noted in a statement, ETNs are “riskier than ordinary ...

Lack of detail sinks odd-lot bond case against major banks

The United States District Court, Southern District of New York, has dismissed a court case brought against Bank of America, Barclays, Citigroup, Credit Suisse, Deutsche ...

The winners in the primary market

In the bond issuance markets, there have been a few subtle changes in the top five most successful banks for syndication, and less subtle change further out, according ...

Is there value in fixed income TCA?

New research published by investment bank Barclays has suggested there is a limited use of transaction cost analysis (TCA) tools for purposes beyond regulatory ...

THETA hires Flanagan amid whirlwind of connectivity ahead of launch

THETA, the specialist provider of buy-side trading technology as a service, has appointed Paul Flanagan as strategic sales advisor, managing relationships with buy-side ...

Bloomberg launches emerging market ESG fixed income index family

Bloomberg and MSCI have launched the Bloomberg Barclays MSCI Emerging Markets ESG Index Suite which includes ten Environmental, Social and Governance (ESG) indices.

European Women in Finance : Alexandra Boyle : Making a noise

Alexandra Boyle, Head of Client Strategic Group at OpenFin, speaks to Markets Media’s senior writer Shanny Basar about her career, her philosophy and her inspiration.

ESMA corrects SI bond ranking to place BNP Paribas as second in Europe

The European Securities and Markets Authority (ESMA) has republished its ESMA Annual Statistical Report, now stating that the largest systematic internalisers (SIs) for ...

China’s bond futures add to liquidity from index inclusion

Still fighting for the depth of US and Japanese bond markets, China’s liberalisation of derivatives trading bodes well for market liquidity. Lynn Strongin Dodds reports. ...

Odd-lot bond case alleges pressure on Bloomberg and collusion

In the US Southern District Court of New York, a class-action lawsuit has been brought against a group of banks, alleging that since 1 August 2006, they have “agreed to ...

The DESK's Trading Intentions Survey 2020 : Trumid

TRUMID Trumid has experienced astounding growth over the past year, with average daily trading volume in January up 325% over January 2019, reaching US$761m, which was ...

Trumid partners with Barclays

Bond market operator, Trumid Financial, has established a strategic partnership with Barclays. Barclays will join Trumid’s Trading Advisory Committee to collaborate on ...

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