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  • Tuesday, September 10, 2024

European Markets Choice Awards Winner: Tradeweb

Enrico Bruni, Managing Director and Head of Europe and Asia Business at Tradeweb spoke to Dan Barnes about market evolution over the last 18 months. How did you maintain ...

Power to the people

New trading protocols can create paths to best execution or confound it through complexity. Chris Hall reports. “Every nation gets the government it deserves” was ...

Portfolio trading is booming in liquidity crisis

Ongoing market volatility has led to a spike in popularity of portfolio trading according to trading platforms, dealers and buy-side traders. Market operator Tradeweb ...

China lays path to greater liquidity

Better risk and liquidity management is on the cards for the buy side as repo and derivatives are promoted by authorities and market infrastructure operators. Hong Kong ...

Europe’s government bond market hits electronic ceiling

Electronification of rates in Europe could significantly enhance liquidity and boost trading. David Wigan investigates. Electronic trading of European government bonds ...

Making a mark on TCA

Transaction cost analysis is becoming more sophisticated despite data limitations. Lynn Strongin Dodds looks at the current offerings. Fixed income markets are becoming ...