FILS USA 2022: The big investment and macro trends
The Federal Reserve loomed large over the FILS conference last week. Any discussions about the difference a trading desk can make had to clearly framed within a ...
FILS 2021: Tapping into the ‘data revolution’
Data integration, the acceleration of electronification and the incorporation of environmental, social and governance factors in fixed income were highlighted as the big ...
Copeman joins Federated Hermes as senior credit trader
Shaun Copeman has joined Federated Hermes as a senior credit trader, having left Fidelity Investments in April after eight years. Copeman adds to a growing trading team ...
Promotions at Fidelity and SSGA
James Lenton has been named head trader at Fidelity Investments in Hong Kong, where he has worked as a trader since 2017.
Seth Merrin stands down
Seth Merrin is to stand down as chief executive of Liquidnet, the US broker he founded almost 20 years ago. He will remain as chairman but pass on the CEO baton to Brian ...
Controversy as buy side forces U-turn on US liquidity rule
By Jonathan Weitzmann.