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  • Tuesday, September 10, 2024

Technology: Can the EMS become a desktop trading venue?

Direct streaming of dealer prices could allow traders to bypass third party venues, if their desktop systems can be used to execute direct streams from dealers.

Risk - Redemption shock

If funds are not given daily liquidity by the market, can they support daily redemptions for clients? Chris Hall reports. When pandemic-fuelled panic hit the markets ...

Data’s weakness in March crisis accelerates calls for European tape

Where European bond market infrastructure has lagged behind US, traders – and therefore investors – have suffered. From a promised age of enlightenment, many traders ...

EMSs connect the dots in bond trading

Increased integration between venues and trading tools could herald far greater automation. Moving a fixed income order from a portfolio manager to a counterparty is ...

Red, consolidated, tape

Traders want Europe to improve the quality of fixed income data, and quickly. Gill Wadsworth reports. In October UK consultant Market Structure Partners was awarded a ...

CSDR: Settlement 'discipline' could punish market liquidity

A regulatory shadow hangs over the market as agencies battle to contain the impact. Chris Hall reports. As part of the European Commission’s efforts to deliver a ...

Traders grapple with bigger syndicates and more issuance

To handle wider syndicates and greater volumes of issuance, traders cannot rely on manual processes. Chris Hall investigates. “There has been no real improvement in ...

Major concerns raised about repo

By Flora McFarlane.