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  • Tuesday, September 10, 2024

TransFICC launches fixed income consolidated tape pilot

TransFICC, the specialist provider of low-latency connectivity and workflow services for Fixed Income and Derivatives Markets, has launched a new initiative to develop a ...

How the ICMA got firm on bond pricing

Buy-side traders have long decried the lack of executable price in bond markets. For the best part of a decade the electrification of these markets has come with ...

FILS Day 2: Heat around the consolidated bond tape

Elizabeth Brooks Callaghan, director for secondary markets, ICMA.

US Treasuries market picks up the electronic pace due to Covid-19

Covid-19 has triggered a “dramatic” shift in US Treasuries, the world’s largest bond market towards electronic execution from traditional voice trading, according to a ...

Buy side wants new tools in primary market tsunami

Several buy-side traders report new primary bond market tools could come online this year in the US, with dealer consortium DirectBooks expected to step up, Bloomberg ...

ICMA highlights key 'dysfunctional' areas of credit market

Andy Hill, ICMA. Courtesy: Zute Lightfoot

Governance key to EU consolidated bond tape's success

The International Capital Markets Association (ICMA) has published a report outlining the possible routes to delivering a successful consolidated tape of price data of ...

ICMA: Buy side struggled to make margin calls as repo dried up

A new report, ‘European repo market and the COVID-19 crisis’ published by the International Capital Markets Association, has found that some buy-side firms had ...

Europe’s liquidity rules are holding up… for now

New guidance on fund liquidity has followed redemption concerns in European equity and bond funds, writes Lynn Strongin-Dodds. The risk that funds are unable to meet ...

ICMA: Fully-automatic credit trading has grown; block liquidity has reduced

The International Capital Markets Association has found 44% of buy-side trading desks have increased their use of rules-based, fully automated electronic execution ...

Hidden regulatory risk in CSDR

An apparently back-office focused rule, the Central Securities Depositories Regulation (CSDR), could have a serious impact on bond market liquidity, when it comes into ...