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  • Tuesday, September 10, 2024

FILS 2021: Natural attrition should drive new ways to trade

Old ways of working must be ‘allowed to die’ to make way for blockchain and distributed ledger technology (DLT), delegates at day two of the 2021 Fixed Income Leaders ...

How to secure balance sheet from your broker

Buy- and sell-side veterans tell us the best practices which persuade brokers to take risk on their clients’ behalf. Finding sell-side partners to take the other side of ...

Uncertainty persists around process trades

A standardised approach to handling process trades would better support dealers. By David Wigan. In mid-February, the European Securities Market Association (ESMA) ...

Technology : TCA in Fixed Income

Making up the numbers. Regulatory changes that emphasise transparency are driving adoption of transaction cost analysis for bond trading, writes Sarah Spikes. ...