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  • Tuesday, September 3, 2024

The Agency Broker Hub: When multi-execution means best execution

Umberto Menconi, head of Digital Markets Structures, Market Hub, Intesa Sanpaolo IMI CIB Division In fixed income markets how do different execution models (principal, ...

The Agency Broker Hub: How agency brokers are shedding their skin

By Umberto Menconi, head of Digital Markets Structures, Market Hub, Intesa Sanpaolo Group* The agency broker has always played one of the principal roles on the ...

Can retail order flow impact institutional trading?

A new trend or only a one-off? Gherardo Lenti Capoduri, head of Market Hub & Umberto Menconi, head of Digital Markets Structures, Market Hub, talk to Dan Barnes Is ...

The Agency Broker Hub : Evolution : Umberto Menconi

THE BROKER’S EVOLUTION - FROM TRADING FLOOR TO DIGITAL MARKETS. Stock exchanges have come a long way since the 17th century when the buying and selling of different ...

CSDR mandatory buy-in delay welcomed

Umberto Menconi, head of Digital Markets Structures, Market Hub, Banca IMI, Intesa Sanpaolo Group Since the financial crisis waves of new regulation and the need to meet ...

Viewpoint : Beyond MiFID : Gherardo Lenti Capoduri & Umberto Menconi

Thinking beyond MiFID II: a new role for the fixed income broker By Gherardo Lenti Capoduri, Head of Market HUB, and Umberto Menconi, Business Development & Market ...

New patterns in Eurobond electronic trading after MiFID II

By Gherardo Lenti Capoduri, Head of Market HUB and Umberto Menconi, Business Development & Market Structure, Market HUB, Banca IMI. We have come a long way since the ...