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  • Tuesday, September 17, 2024
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  • Posts by Dan Barnes

Dan Barnes

Dan Barnes

The Editorial Director at Markets Media Europe, Dan strives to become an integral part of traders’ networks by ensuring they are informed and helped by the information we deliver. Dan wrote the world’s first article on predatory trading algorithms in 2004, and has won multiple State Street ‘Journalist of the Year’ awards in several categories. In his spare time, Dan makes longbows.

SEC report on algo trading highlights lack of joint oversight

US markets regulator the Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) has published a report to the US Congress on algorithmic trading in US debt and equity markets, ...

Greenwich: D2C Treasuries e-trading increases in July

An analysis of trading in the US Treasury space by Greenwich Associates has seen the proportion of electronic dealer-to-client activity (D2C) increasing in July, even as ...

GreySpark: TCA is not fit for purpose in bond markets

A position paper by analyst firm GreySpark Partners has argued that transaction cost analysis (TCA) is too limited for its purpose, and will need to be replaced by ...

Copeman joins Federated Hermes as senior credit trader

Shaun Copeman has joined Federated Hermes as a senior credit trader, having left Fidelity Investments in April after eight years. Copeman adds to a growing trading team ...

LedgerEdge calls for industry participation in bond platform design

LedgerEdge, a new emerging ecosystem for the exchange of data and assets in the corporate bond market, has said Tim Cook, head of business development, will lead a ...

Buy side issues framework to standardise bond issuance

The Credit Roundtable, a buy-side lobby group for bondholder protection has issued an ‘Investment Grade Primary Best Practices Framework’ designed to improve bond ...

Liquidnet launches primary bond market offering as buy side demands innovation

Block-trading specialist Liquidnet is launching into the primary market technology space. Its new electronic solution, Liquidnet Debt Capital Markets (DCM), is focused ...

SEC creates unit to tackle emerging risks

The Securities and Exchange Commission has created the Event and Emerging Risks Examination Team (EERT) in the Office of Compliance Inspections and Examinations (OCIE). ...

UBS CIO: Ways to find income in a low rate world

Mark Haefele, CIO for Global Wealth Management, UBS

thinkFolio integrates Investor Access to support primary market workflow

Brett Schechterman, global head, thinkFolio, IHS Markit

Buy-side support for FSB on CCP resolution

US buy-side trade body the Investment Companies Institute (ICI) says it supports the Financial Stability Board’s (FSB’s) guidance on central counterparty (CCP) ...

EC suspends best execution reporting which is “not read at all”

Valdis Dombrovskis, Executive Vice President, European Commission

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