BondCliQ US corporate bond data added to IOWArocks data marketplace
Paul Watmough, CEO, IOWArocks.
SGX, Trumid and Hillhouse Capital to launch new Asian bond trading platform
Loh Boon Chye, CEO, SGX. Photo courtesy of The World Federation of Exchanges.
TP ICAP focuses on low-touch trading, Liquidnet and buy-side data provision
Joanna Nader, group head of strategy at TP ICAP.
Investment in derivatives post-trade set to soar
Will Mitting, founder and managing director of Acuiti.
Redburn sees value in bond market venue M&A
Nicholas Watt, analyst, Redburn.
Surprise at inaccurate US election poll predictions has increased volatility
With a victory for either side being far from clear in the US election, investment commentators have warned of sustained volatility across asset classes. The predictions ...
Allianz GI joins Glimpse Markets’ data sharing initiative
Allianz Global Investors, which has US$510 billion in assets under management, has joined Glimpse Markets, an initiative to support buy-side data sharing in the fixed ...
FILS Day 2: Heat around the consolidated bond tape
Elizabeth Brooks Callaghan, director for secondary markets, ICMA.
MarketAxess: Changing liquidity conditions will impact the need for data
Data demands change as liquidity ebbs and flows, creating risks for buy-side traders as they seek to use more data to support their activity and increased levels of ...
Data - Can buy-side firms share bond-trading data?
Asset managers agree they need access to more trading data, but have struggled to share it effectively between themselves. The paucity of access to bond data in European ...
Vela hooks up with Fenics UST to support low-touch trading
Ollie Cadman, Vela
Data’s weakness in March crisis accelerates calls for European tape
Where European bond market infrastructure has lagged behind US, traders – and therefore investors – have suffered. From a promised age of enlightenment, many traders ...
In volatile European bond markets, data remains king
In times of rapid change and great uncertainty, market participants turn to data. But how can they ensure they have access to the information they need in the markets in ...