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  • Tuesday, September 17, 2024

On The DESK : Stuart Campbell : BlueBay Asset Management

STUART CAMPBELL: OUTPERFORMANCE AND AUTO-EXECUTION. Leading the charge into electronic trading, Stuart Campbell tells The DESK how he has set up his team to prevail. ...

CIOs assess stormy markets ahead

l tor: Phillippe Waechter, Ostrum Asset Management; Chris Iggo, AXA; Rick Lacaille, SSGA; Nancy Davis, Quadratic Capital Management

Marc Wyatt, T. Rowe Price: On Reputation

Marc Wyatt, head of Global Trading at T. Rowe Price explains why, in an industry under pressure, standing up to your commitments is fundamental to success. How does the ...

Hidden regulatory risk in CSDR

An apparently back-office focused rule, the Central Securities Depositories Regulation (CSDR), could have a serious impact on bond market liquidity, when it comes into ...

Connectivity vs relationship control is on the agenda at FILS

Support for streaming firm prices is contingent on connectivity between price-makers and price-takers; a big question which will play out over this year’s Fixed Income ...

On The DESK: Trading and Technology collaborating for the future

Erik Tumasz and Josh Grodin, Wellington Management

Could OpenFin be as big as Bloomberg?

Connectivity between technologies and between trading participants is a perennial problem for bond trading desks. Hooking up with a new trading platform or service ...

On the DESK : Lee Sanders, AXA Investment Managers

Lee Sanders, head of Head of Execution at AXA Investment Managers believes that increasing automation is the biggest issue on buy-side trading desks. How has the ...

Pre-trade data demand grows and platform concentration weakens

The 5th Annual Trading Intentions Survey sees a hunger for data and a surge in new liquidity tools. Key takeaways: • Massive growth for crossing / mid-point price tools ...

China lays path to greater liquidity

Better risk and liquidity management is on the cards for the buy side as repo and derivatives are promoted by authorities and market infrastructure operators. Hong Kong ...

On the DESK : Dwayne Middleton : Morgan Stanley

The modern trader needs an all-rounder mentality, considerable flexibility and the power to be a decision maker. Dwayne Middleton is head of US fixed income trading at ...

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