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  • Tuesday, September 17, 2024

Joeri Wouters joins Tradeweb; firm launches ‘trade-at-close’ for portfolio trading

Joeri Wouters has been named product development manager within the AiEx and workflow solutions team of market operator Tradeweb, after 15 years as a buy side fixed ...

Parameta Solutions launches post-trade analytics platform for bonds

Ovie Koloko, global head of product management at Parameta Solutions.

JP Morgan sees 20% YoY drop in Q3 fixed income revenue

JP Morgan has seen a significant drop in Q3 trading revenues, with fixed income falling to US$3.67 billion, a drop of 10% against the previous quarter and 20% against Q3 ...

Trumid gains 71% increase in ADV and US$208 million financing

Bond trading platform Trumid has completed a new US$208 million financing led by Point Break Capital Management, a private investment firm with roots in Latin America. ...

FILS 2021: Liquidnet gives detail on new primary market offering

Liquidnet’s primary market offering for the bond market was laid out by Dan Hinxman, head of sales for Liquidnet Fixed Income at the Fixed Income Leaders Summit (FILS). ...

FILS 2021: Boosting liquidity through market structure

The rise in bilateral streaming and the regulatory push towards central clearing can increase the diversity of trading counterparties and boost liquidity according to ...

FILS 2021: Next steps to automating the bond market

Data analysis, interoperability and flexibility are the top priorities for automating the bond markets, delegates at the 2021 Fixed Income Leaders Summit (FILS) in ...

FILS 2021: Natural attrition should drive new ways to trade

Old ways of working must be ‘allowed to die’ to make way for blockchain and distributed ledger technology (DLT), delegates at day two of the 2021 Fixed Income Leaders ...

FILS 2021: Macros pressures not shaking bond investor confidence

Investors remain optimistic on debt markets despite the possibility of higher inflation, Fed tapering and disruption from structural changes in China according to ...

FILS 2021: Tapping into the ‘data revolution’

Data integration, the acceleration of electronification and the incorporation of environmental, social and governance factors in fixed income were highlighted as the big ...

FILS 2021: Buy-side needs to make more noise for the right data

Data providers and regulators concur that the buy-side needs to communicate more clearly with politicians and suppliers if they are to get baseline bond data, and more ...

FILS 2021: Portfolio trading up threefold

Portfolio trading in fixed income has grown threefold in two years, data from Flow Traders reveal. Ramon Balje, head of fixed income at Flow Traders.

FILS 2021: Overcoming barriers to automation

Implementation costs are among the biggest hurdles for buy-side fixed income desks hoping to increase efficiency workflows. Juan Landazabal, global head of trading at ...

FILS 2021: Dealers outline strategy for direct connectivity

Buy-side traders are seeing their sell-side counterparts offering direct streamed prices as an alternative source for data and direct trading, which dealers see as a ...

Markets Media Group acquires DerivSource

New York & London, October 5, 2021 – Leading U.S.-based digital financial news publisher Markets Media Group (MMG) is pleased to announce the acquisition of ...

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