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  • Tuesday, September 10, 2024

Tradeweb sees volume drop in June

Lee Olesky, CEO, Tradeweb

ICMA: Buy side struggled to make margin calls as repo dried up

A new report, ‘European repo market and the COVID-19 crisis’ published by the International Capital Markets Association, has found that some buy-side firms had ...

Repo market stress prompts calls for central bank support

Could central bank intervention bypass sell-side intermediaries, if they only act as agents not risk takers? David Wigan reports. The stresses in the US repo markets in ...

Pirum launches CSDR fails cost reporting

Trade reconciliation specialist, Pirum Systems, has launched a new fails report for the Central Securities Depository Regulation (CSDR), which will require a mandatory ...

Industry viewpoint : Get ready for SFTR reporting with MTS

By Tom Harry SFTR reporting obligations are fast approaching. The first wave of reporting under the Securities Financing Transactions Regulation (SFTR) is set to ...

More EM platform consolidation amid liquidity challenges

Emerging markets have offered a strong opportunity for yield in recent years, albeit with greater credit risk and FX volatility, however getting access to markets has ...

BIS targets liquidity cliff in repo

Banks have reacted to end-of-quarter capital reporting by reducing activity, leading to sudden declines in liquidity; now authorities are reacting. Banks have been ...

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