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  • Tuesday, September 17, 2024
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  • Posts by fidesk


Industry viewpoint : Mark Russell : Tradeweb

A new era of intelligent execution By Mark Russell, Head of Credit, Europe, Tradeweb Electronic trading has earned its place as an indispensable part of fixed income ...

Industry viewpoint : UBS : Giuseppe Nuti

Fixed income: Exploring alternative uses of machine learning By Giuseppe Nuti, Managing Director, Global Head of the Central Risk Book and Data Analysis at UBS. Advances ...

Lead : Best execution : Dan Barnes

The best execution conundrum Market structure, risk trading and the nature of time-limited instruments make reporting of best execution for bonds a challenge. Dan Barnes ...

Rates : Fully automatic? : Dan Barnes

Market volatility may shift rates back to voice in 2019 If predicted volatility pushes firms towards voice trading next year, rates traders will suffer from a heavier ...

Technology : Trader engagement : Dan Barnes

Helping traders to think like engineers The gap between the technology a trading team wants and the technology it gets is often wide; helping them to engage earlier in ...

Viewpoint : Technology for OFTR securities : Susan Estes

Time to awaken the sleeping giant Susan Estes, Co-Founder, CEO & President of OpenDoor Securities The tripling in size of the US Treasuries market over the past ...

Viewpoint : Empowering the PM : Jonathan Gray

Liquidity opportunities for the fixed income portfolio manager Jonathan Gray, Head of Fixed Income EMEA, Liquidnet The corporate bond market has changed dramatically in ...

Securities Financing : US repo : Lynn Strongin Dodds

T-Bills swamp the market but repo stays afloat Lynn Strongin Dodds looks at the US repo market and how it is staying liquid. Views are divided over the health of the ...

Viewpoint : Beyond MiFID : Gherardo Lenti Capoduri & Umberto Menconi

Thinking beyond MiFID II: a new role for the fixed income broker By Gherardo Lenti Capoduri, Head of Market HUB, and Umberto Menconi, Business Development & Market ...

Viewpoint : Automation : Nicholas Bean & Ravi Sawhney

Trading automation in the fixed income market Nicholas Bean, Head of Electronic Trading Solutions, and Ravi Sawhney, Head of Fixed Income Automation at Bloomberg speak ...

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