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  • Tuesday, September 10, 2024

Greenwich Associates: European fixed income trading becoming more concentrated

Regulatory changes and difficult market conditions have made European fixed income a more challenging business for banks, according to analyst house Greenwich ...

Derivatives : Migrating benchmarks : Dan Barnes

LIBOR: WHEN TO JUMP ON THE SOFR The transition from the London Interbank Offered Rate (LIBOR) to overnight indexed swap rates is moving, but when should the buy-side ...

Rates : Fully automatic? : Dan Barnes

Market volatility may shift rates back to voice in 2019 If predicted volatility pushes firms towards voice trading next year, rates traders will suffer from a heavier ...

Technology : How smart is dealer AI? : Dan Barnes

Can artificial intelligence boost broker-dealers’ client coverage? Simple automation will not work for complex bond markets; tools that learn to find patterns are needed ...

Buy side reports price movement risk in Treasury trading

Automated trading and derivatives are changing the way US Treasuries are traded, exposing the buy side to high-frequency trading strategies. Chris Hall reports. If big ...

How to trade for alpha

Smart institutional trading desks can boost returns in support of investment management. Dan Barnes reports. If institutional portfolio management (PM) and investment ...

SEC committee signals direction for US credit rules

New fixed income committee sees pushback on structural approach to resolving credit market challenges. David Wigan reports. As European fixed income market participants ...

Corporate Bond E-Trading 3.0: The drivers ahead

As electronic trading in the corporate bond market increases, those platforms and market participants who intend to be at the cutting edge of the industry are already ...

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