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  • Tuesday, September 10, 2024

Asset managers could avoid tying up collateral under new uncleared margin rules

The majority of asset managers dragged into new uncleared margin requirements over the next two years could avoid tying up capital altogether, but still play by the ...

CSDR: Settlement 'discipline' could punish market liquidity

A regulatory shadow hangs over the market as agencies battle to contain the impact. Chris Hall reports. As part of the European Commission’s efforts to deliver a ...

Concern over data dominates corporate bond discussions

Limited access to data is impeding quantitative analysis of best execution for corporate bonds, leading to a need for more qualitative analysis for many bond trades.

Dark trading limits to apply from March after reporting failures

*Update* The European Securities and Markets Authority (ESMA) will only apply the double volume cap (DVC) mechanism for trading European equities from March 2018, and ...

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