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  • Tuesday, September 10, 2024

ICE Data fine is symptomatic of bond data challenge

Daniel Michael, chief of SEC's Enforcement Division’s Complex Financial Instruments Unit.

Editorial: Oversight of US bond markets is broken

Oversight of the US bond markets is broken. The world’s sixth largest bank by assets, JP Morgan, was able to manipulate the US Treasury market, the global benchmark for ...

SEC report on algo trading highlights lack of joint oversight

US markets regulator the Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) has published a report to the US Congress on algorithmic trading in US debt and equity markets, ...

SEC creates unit to tackle emerging risks

The Securities and Exchange Commission has created the Event and Emerging Risks Examination Team (EERT) in the Office of Compliance Inspections and Examinations (OCIE). ...

Wellington: Internal crossing could have saved US$10-15 million

The Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) sub-committee the Fixed Income Market Structure Advisory Committee (FIMSAC), has unanimously passed a proposal to support ...

Market data costs in spotlight under new FCA review

The UK’s Financial Conduct Authority (FCA) has issued a call for input (CFI) to better understand how data and advanced analytics are being accessed and used in the ...

FINRA reporting change could support low-touch trading at size

A proposed pilot project for raising the size at which US bond trades must be reported, and delaying reporting for even larger trades, could lead to greater automation ...

SEC committee proposes TRACE block trading delay

The Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) Fixed Income Market Structure Advisory committee met on 9 April 2018 to discuss a proposed pilot for a more calibrated ...

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